Saturday, May 14, 2011

"We got greedy."

As usual I am trashed. My body hurts and I can't seem to stay awake. I guess as you get older you can't keep working non-stop. I am mustering up some energy to write this bog. As we promised from Long Beach, Joon was not left at the line. Thanks to our drag techniques from the past, Joon is kicking ass right from the start in Atlanta.

The weekend in my opinion was an utter success in terms of Joon's comfort ability and performance of the Mazda RX8. He qualified Top 3 and was absolutely killing it on track. Despite going out in the TOP 32 we learned a whole lot more. This is always good. The car in the most blunt terms is hauling ass and Joon is doing amazing things with it. He has said, the car was the most enjoyable he has ever driven it. No complaints whatsoever. The more grip and horsepower we gave him the better he performed. It was sick. We just kept feeding him and he loved it. Feedback and performance was amazing. Unfortunately, we got carried away and what we enjoyed on-track, in performance.................a certain part on the car could not handle what we were delivering it. The ring and pinion decided it could not take anymore abuse and decided to shred itself. Nevertheless, we learned a lot and had major strides in performance despite the heart breaking failure. It's one thing to break something and not improve and it's another to break something and kick ass! As they say in drag racing............

"If you ain't breaking something you ain't hauling ass."

When something catastrophic like that happens, the team goes into major think mode. Rather than sit there and cry over spilled milk we start thinking up solutions. The team is usually very quiet at first and we don't say anything to each other because we are all thinking up a solution. Well, after a few days, we have come up with a pretty solid solution to our problems. It will take time but once we get it in there I know Joon should be unstoppable. Titan Motorsports expressed to us that the Supra rear ends are indestructible and can handle up to 1200 hp on a drag track. Nero Dewila swears by it and we believe him. Nero is a drag buddy of ours during the NHRA Sport Compact days so we trust him big time. Drag racers break more shit than anybody out there. If this works, it will be amazing for Joon.

The whole team has their head high and we still believe we can see some podiums this year. Believing is everything. Once you lose hope, it's over. "Never say Die!"

"Sometimes becoming a little greedy can lead to some serious strides in performance. You gotta grab your nuts sometimes."

-Ron Bergenholtz

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